Student Stories

In this section we highlight all the top-voted student stories from each track. Thank you very much for sharing all your inspirational stories, and thank you for voting!

Special thanks to @Saida from Android (basics) track, who first came up with this initiative, and many thanks to all the students who helped by collecting the winning stories and putting them together.

Android (Basics) Developer

"Now I’m getting better and better because I believe in myself, and people believe in me. This scholarship showed me a different world and a different community that helped me all the way."

"I just felt that I CAN DO THIS! Even though I had no programming experience at all, I believed that you can learn anything if you are stubborn enough and work hard enough."

"If you don’t try, you’ve already failed, but when you try, you have a chance to succeed."

"My mother told me to be strong and fight. Be brave. With hard work anything can be achieved."

The rest of the amazing stories you will find HERE.

Android (Advanced) Developer

"To become an Android developer is hard. To become an Android developer having a family is harder. To become an Android Developer having a family and your own business, then take care of your kids and cats and the household… seemed impossible for me."

"I never gave up, because I was doing what I loved, my work was meaningful to me, I enjoyed it."

"So after all these difficulties I can consider myself lucky that so many people who don’t know anything about me, believe in my dreams and capabilities. That’s why I keep fighting to learn how to become a better developer."

"After I got my ABND certification I got my first interview. I wasn’t hired, but it was a good experience for me. It gave me confidence and made me proud of myself."

The rest of the amazing stories you will find HERE.

Front-End Web Developer

"I need to show the whole world that the disabled girl is able to do 'IT things'".

"This challenge not only gave me enough skills to build websites, it also teaches me how to become a better human being. I have understood the importance of being with others and to work hand in hand to build something bigger and better."

"What have I learned from this journey I am still on? Never give up. Try every opportunity. Have passion for what you do. Seek help from others if you’re stuck."

"Discovering coding was the best a-ha moment of my life. Have you felt like you finally let go of all the chains holding you on the ground, spread your wings and flew?"

The rest of the amazing stories you will find HERE.

Mobile Web Specialist

"Deep within me is all this creativity that needs to be unleashed, and I believe other people need to unleash it too. So one day I want to help others! We all need a purpose and I finally have one!"

"I wanted to prove that there are girls in tech and they can be amazing developers too!"

"You can do anything you set your mind to. You just gotta put in the work. Don’t get discouraged by the size of your goal."

"Programming skills can benefit our lives, our jobs and ourselves. My future self will sure thank me for the efforts I put in this challenge. I have taken the leap of faith. And I am going to make this work, no matter where my feet may land!"

The rest of the amazing stories you will find HERE.