When to Stay Home
Reasons to keep students home from school
Illness: unable to participate in routine activities or needs more care than can be provided by the childcare/school staff
Fever: Any temperature over 100.3. Student must be fever free with no medication for 24 hours before returning to school.
Diarrhea: Until the child has been free of diarrhea for at least 24 hours or until a medical exam indicates that it is not due to a communicable disease
Vomiting: Until the child as been vomit free for at least 24 hours, unless determined to be caused by a non-communicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration.
Rash with fever: Until a medical exam indicates these symptoms are not those of a communicable disease that requires exclusion
Eye Drainage: when purulent (pus) drainage and/or fever or eye pain is present or a medical exam indicates that child may return
Head Lice: Until 1 over the counter treatment is completed and no live lice are seen and as many nits are removed as possible.
Sore Throat with Fever: Consult your doctor if your child has sudden severe sore throat with fever. If strep is diagnosed, the child may return after being on antibiotics for 24-48 hours.
Immuinzation Requirements