
History articles about Armory Park

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When I started researching neighborhood history, I didn’t realize what a challenge that would be. Covid has restricted my current efforts to the internet. Nevertheless, I am pressing forward to find photos and narratives related to the early days of Armory Park and nearby areas. The broader your areas of research, the more likely you are to find plentiful useful material. When you focus on a small local area, the resources are limited and hard to find. What is available is more likely to be oriented to individuals rather than places or buildings. Famous buildings are more promising for searching but there are few such in Armory Park. Still, with all of the interest in genealogy, people centered material can be useful if you have names to key into your search.

So, my current efforts center on learning how to do local history research and to find helpful resources. I am becoming familiar with local libraries, the Library of Congress, the National Archives, old insurance maps and genealogy websites. The LDS church not only has such a site, it also has two research centers in Tucson. I haven’t gone there yet but will soon.

I expect that there are others in the neighborhood with an interest in local history. If you would like to learn more about the history of your house, perhaps we can collaborate. If you have names of early day residents, that would be most helpful. I have already learned that my house existed in 1901 and was not built in 1905 as I previously thought. Others have lived in Armory Park for many years and maybe for generations. If you are one of these people, please share your stories with me and the community.