
All accepted and registered papers that are presented at the conference will be published in the proceedings of DRLE 2022. The papers submitted in the special track on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Education will be submitted for inclusion in the IEEE Xplore digital library.

The special track covers the theory and practice of education and educational technology involved in the effective delivery of domain knowledge of Electrical, Electronics, Computer, and all fields within the scope of interest of the institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

The conference uses a double-blind peer review system. The identities of both reviewers and authors are concealed from each other throughout the review. To facilitate this, authors must ensure that their manuscripts are prepared in such a way that they do not reveal their identities to reviewers, either directly or indirectly.

Paper Submission Process

  1. Registrant registers new members on EasyChair.

  2. Registrant signs in EasyChair for DRLE 2022.

  3. Registrant chooses track to submit your paper (DRLE2022 International Conference OR DRLE 2022 International Conference - Special track (IEEE Xplore)).

  4. Registrant selects topic “Author” then click “make a new submission”.

  5. Registrant submits the paper for the first time on EasyChair as stated below

5.1 Registrant submits the paper in PDF form in accordance with the conference format, Author’s name and affiliation must be concealed.

5.2 Registrant submits the paper in MS-Word form in accordance with the conference format with the author’s name and affiliation.

  1. Registrant waits for reviewers’ evaluation, then the result will be notified on EasyChair.

  2. In case your paper qualified the evaluation (both with conditions and without conditions), then registrant must submit the paper (complete version) for the second time after editing in accordance with reviewers’ suggestions in MS-Word and PDF forms on EasyChair, Paper edition procedure must be within the period of time stated in the remark.

  3. After the committees verified your paper (complete version), the result will be notified on EasyChair, and registrant can download the acceptance letter on EasyChair.

  4. For each paper, at least 1 person must be a registrant and presenter according to submission and evaluation regulations, if registrant does not perform in accordance with the rules, DRLE 2022 reserves the right to reject the publication. Registrant must register for the conference via Google Form and attach the payment receipt of the registration fee as proof.


  1. Registrant must submit the paper (complete version) on EasyChair by 23 May 2022 for paper qualified the evaluation with conditions from reviewers.

  2. Paper submitted to special track (IEEE Xplore) consists of 4 pages with double columns of content. (The IEEE Xplore template is available for download from the DRLE 2022 website)

Final Paper Submission Instructions

DRLE 2022 (Track International Conference)

1. Revise your paper according to the comment of the reviewers (if any) following the message and uploading the paper as a Final Paper Submission to the online system.

2. Use the template provided by the conference and check the template format at “DRLE 2022 Template of Content”.

3. Submit your final paper files in PDF and MS Word format via a link button below.

DRLE 2022 (Special Track IEEE Xplore)

The authors should revise the paper to incorporate all the comments and apply appropriate paper styling. The IEEE policy requires authors to keep the similarity index to less than 30%. The final manuscript must be submitted to EasyChair.

To prepare the final paper, please follow the steps below.

Preparing the final paper

Step 1 - Formatting

Prepare your final paper using MS Word or Latex A4 templates for IEEE Xplore Digital Library. The templates can be found at this link.

Please confirm all authors’ information and funding information in the final paper. After submission, the information cannot be changed.

Step 2 - Copyright notice

Modify IEEE Copyright Notice at the bottom-left of the first page of the template as follows.

(a) For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright

(b) For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 978-1-6654-9894-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 Crown

(c) For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 978-1-6654-9894-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 European Union

(d) For all other papers the copyright notice is: 978-1-6654-9894-4/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE

Step 3 - Validate by IEEE PDF eXpress

Please visit the IEEE PDF eXpress to validate your pdf file before submitting to EasyChair

Visit the site:

• Our Conference ID is 55675X

If you are a first-time user, you should create an account and enter Conference ID (55675X) with you e-mail address and password. Then you will be asked to provide personal information. If you already have the account, please login with your credential and put 55675X as the Conference ID.

After you log-in, click on Dashboard (on the left menu) and then you can create a new title on the site. IEEE PDF eXpress will convert your PDF file into the appropriate format for submission to IEEE Xplore. Please submit the successfully converted file to EasyChair in step 5.

Step 4 - IEEE electronic Copyright Form

Before uploading the final paper, you must complete the copyright transfer agreement for each paper. DRLE2022 has configured with the IEEE electronic Copyright Form (eCF); therefore, you must complete the agreement on-line by checking the link sent to author’s email.

Step 5 - Submission to EasyChair

You must submit the converted final paper from IEEE PDF eXpress as the Full Paper Submission to EasyChair by May 23, 2022.


1. Registration and Payment: To be included in this program, at least one author must register for the conference no later than May 27, 2022. Details on payment and registration are available at

2. Please double-check the author names, affiliations, email addresses, and funding acknowledgment on your final paper. The conference reserves the right not to modify the proceedings after May 23, 2022 for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s quality requirements.

3. Final papers must pass IEEE pdf eXpress compatible check. The final paper submission is required to be submitted in the same manner as the reviewed paper using EasyChair by May 23, 2022 along with electronic copyright form.

4. The maximum number of pages is four, including references, and does not include an author biography at the end.

5. Please submit your final paper files in PDF and MS Word format via the link below.