KM Landscape @2025
Be part of capturing the KM Landscape
The KM Landscape @ 2025 captures;
the reality of multiple opinions, directions and means of KM
open inputs from individuals, CoPs or representative bodies
a collective body of thought
*This activity is hosted by KMGN.
Who's involved in co-creation
Everyone 😊, and you choose how to contribute to capturing the KM Landscape
• Do you want to lead a topic
• Do you want to contribute to a topic
• Maybe you prefer to Review what is being developed
For who does what, when, and, how keep reading …
For those who are already decided – sign-on here
Co-creation process
Through an open call, anyone can sign-up as Topic group members, Mentors or Reviewers – so everyone gets an active role – everyone has a voice
At an initial Orientation Meeting we will confirm everyone's choices on how to contribute and also the way we will talk together, walk together and work together
Topic areas are chosen and each assigned a Topic Lead
Each Topic Lead works with their own topic groups and can choose to be assigned a Mentor
Topic Group members reach out to their respective CoPs directly to better explore and represent the areas chosen.
Each CoP can be set data collection / retrieval “challenges” through each Topic Group lead
In an open Review, at the end of the activity, everyone will have the opportunity to comment.
For those who are already decided – sign-on here
The process
We will start the process of co-creation in an open meeting. At this meeting we will reconfirm participants expectations, and how these are met with the co-creation activity.
The first focus would be on identifying the topic areas - giving the core structure of the activity and the Topic Groups. For this we will use existing resources (maps, tables, chart, lists).
For this list of terms, each Topic Lead will create a glossary related to the topic area - what it embraces and the varied language used in theory and in practice.
The topic leads then will identify existing resources that support each of these areas. All resources and perspective or approaches are included and related to the respective topic area.
The outcomes
The co-creation outcome would include the following
an active on-going dialogue towards and from KM Communities of Practice
a regular update of activity and achievements
a set of terms and their scope + meaning
iterations of and a final map of the KM Landscape
a list of KM4Free / KM pro bono resources
publication and presentation to the KM community
Topic Leads ...
i) confirm their participation in the preparation, review, publication and presentation of the KM Landscape Position Statement in 2025
ii) are available between January and (end) April 2025 to attend meetings, prepare assigned sections, consult their mentors, relevant Communities of Practice and representative bodies (Topic leads share their CoP affiliations and memberships).
iii) run their respective Topic Groups as a support means to work assigned (taken from those who sign up)
iv) prepare assigned topic sections of the Position Statement, Topic Leads provide a full range of perspectives and thoughts and where these are derived and supported.
v) use their networks and experience to provide representative opinion and thought, as opposed to their own opinion
vi) support the reviews of all parts of the Position Statement and contribute to the Summary Document, publicity or presentation materials
vi) contribute their time feely – and it is highly recommended that they notify and get support from their employing organisations (if applicable) for this short-term activity in order to avoid conflict or overload
Mentors ...
i) confirm their participation in the support of a Topic Lead in the preparation, review, publication and presentation of the KM Landscape Position Statement in 2025
ii) are available between January and (end) April 2025 to consult with their chosen Topic Group Lead
iii) choose to support the Topic member’s Think Tanks as a means to better support the assigned Topic Lead
iv) use their networks and experience to help the Topic Leads provide representative opinion and thought
vi) support the Topic level reviews of all parts of the Position Statement and contribute to the Summary Document, publicity or presentation materials
vi) support their Topic Lead in terms of managing workload and recognizing potential overload. This includes supporting delegation and / or assuring that the Topic Lead is being effectively supported by their networks in providing inputs to the Position Statement
Topic Groups ...
i) confirm their participation in the support of a Topic Group in the preparation, review, publication and presentation of the KM Landscape Position Statement in 2025
ii) are available between January and (end) April 2025 to support their assigned Topic Lead
iii) use their networks and experience to support the Topic Lead to provide representative opinion and thought
vi) support the Topic level reviews of all parts of the Position Statement and contribute to the Summary Document, publicity or presentation materials
vi) support their Topic Lead in terms of managing workload and potential overload. This includes task delegation and / or assuring that the Topic group is effectively connected to networks and resources in providing inputs to the Position Statement
For those who are already decided – sign-on here
Communities of Practice / Representative Bodies ...
i) are asked to endorse the preparation, review, publication and presentation of the KM Landscape Position Statement in 2025
ii) confirm their participation in the support of the preparation, review, publication and presentation of the KM Landscape Position Statement in 2025
iii) consider endorsing Topic Leads or members who are declaring any affiliations and membership.
iii) agree to accepting feedback requests from the Working Group / Think Tanks in order to provide representative opinion – in the data collection / retrieval “challenges” set by the Working Group / Think Tank
iv) acknowledge and report on the inclusiveness they provide in terms of membership / representing a body of thought – and also to identify the boundaries of their membership / representative body of thought.
Reviewers ...
i) participate in the review of all parts of the Position Statement, the Summary Document, publicity or presentation materials relating to the KM Landscape Position Statement in 2025 activity
ii) perform the review in April 2025
iii) complete the Review Feedback form, specifically providing “From” – “To” inputs and the justification or reason for the requested change.
iv) provide review inputs that are from representative bodies of thought – however individual perspectives will be recognised.
Platforms / Publications
We are working towards involving major KM conferences and Publications to provide a means to get the outcomes of the KM Landscape activity back out to the KM community and beyond.
We are working with the main KM conferences and have postive responses from
Knowledge Summit
International Conference for Knowledge Management (ICKM)
European Conference for Knowledge Management (ECKM)
We are also working with major KM publications with positive response from
Journal of Knowledge Management
It is expected this list will develop as the work progresses