Extended Abstracts

Send your unpublished abstract to icass.doss@kln.ac.lk

General instructions

Authors are requested to align papers with the conference theme and indicate under which sub-theme the papers are presented. Papers should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other conference or publication.

Guidelines for Extended abstracts

It is required to submit the extended abstracts to the conference secretariat on or before 15th November 2019. Extended abstracts (800-1000 words) submitted will be subjected to a process of peer review prior to accept as a conference presentation.

The abstracts should contain a clear introduction stating the purpose of the study, a brief description of methods, a summary of results to support conclusion(s) a conclusion(s) and 4-6 key words. Abstracts can be based on any of the conference tracks mentioned in the website.

Please prepare your abstract in the following format

Medium: English

Font Style: Times New Roman (Topic- Size 14, Bold, Center aligned, Sub topics – Size 12, Bold, Justified, Abstract- Size 12, Keywords- Size 11, Italic, Text- Size 12)

Line Space: 1.15pt.

Name of the author: Corresponding author’s initials, corresponding authors last name* (e.g. Single Author: R.G Fernando*) (e.g. Multiple Author: R.G. Fernando1*, K. H. John 2, G. T. Mahendra3)

Institutional affiliation: Italics, 12pt font, center aligned. 1Department, Organization/Institute, Country, 2Department, Organization/Institute, Country (e.g. 1Department of Social Statistics, Faculty of Social Science, Kelaniya University, Sri Lanka)

Email of the corresponding author (12pt font, left aligned): *Email address

Document type: MS Word document

The authors of the accepted extended abstracts have to send their full papers to the organizing committee. Those full papers will be revised by a reviewing panel before publishing in the Statica International Journal of Academic Staff as a special issue.