Library Use

Wunderlich Library Hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:30 - 4:30

Wednesday 8:30 - 5:15.

Occasionally the library will be closed in the morning or afternoon for meetings and events. Students should check with Mrs. Bullock or Ms. Panopio the day before if they plan to come in early. Also I do stay late on Wednesday, but students should check with me during the day to let me know they plan to stay. I am also willing to stay late on other days if the student talks to me in advance.

During school hours, students may come to the library between classes or during a class period with a pass from their teacher. If you want to come during lunch, you must ask for a pass. During lunch you can eat while you work, but you must eat at a table and not on the soft seating and you must clean up after yourself or you will not be allowed to come to the library during lunch again.

Library Collection

Wunderlich has over 18,000 books to choose from! Our fiction section is grouped by genre so that students can find their favorite type of book faster!

Check-out policies

Students may check out up to six books at one time, but they are responsible for the books that they check out. Please keep in mind that if you lose a book, you will need to pay for the book. Students check out books for two weeks at a time and may to renew any of their checked out books by using their Chromebook or coming into the library to renew books.

Be sure to take good care of your books. You will be responsible for any damages done by friends, water, siblings, pets etc.

Warning: Loaning books to your friends can ruin a good friendship. Let them check out their own books!!!

Computers and printers

Our library has desktop computers that students may use for research and classroom projects. They are connected to two black & white printers. Before printing, you will need to check with a librarian. Students may come in before school starting at 8:15 or after school on Wednesday until 5:25. The computers should NOT take the place of the student having a Chromebook.