Mastery-Based Assessment

Mastery-Based Assessment Working Team

The Mastery-Based Evaluation Working Team will be focused on researching and designing an evaluation instrument to support personalized learning, specifically competency-based progression. Application for this team will be later in the spring semester, as we are evaluating the results from our Pre-K and Kindergarten standards-based report card and working on next steps for Grades 1 and 2.


Standards-based grading communicates how students are performing on a set of clearly defined essential standards by content and grade level. The purpose of standards-based grading is to identify what a student knows, or is able to do, in relation to measuring their proficiency on well-defined standards in each core content area, along with digital learning, social development through Profile of a Learner, and fine arts. As a result, students and their families will have a much clearer picture of where student strengths and areas for growth are throughout the school year. This type of evaluation of learning is personalized and paced for students’ needs.

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Educational research shows that when teachers measure students’ learning based on standards and not just a numerical or letter grade, then the ability for teachers to target specific areas of student strength and need is much more easily identified. Traditional grading systems are based on an average, which sometimes does not make clear to students and their families exactly what students have mastered or are still working on. In Transforming Classroom Grading, Robert J. Marzano came to believe the most important purpose of grades is frequent, detailed feedback and, therefore, the best reference point must be specific objectives, standards, or other learning goals. Grades That Show What Students Know, Marzano

PreK Report Card