PTO Board Members

President -  Deysi Bravo

Vice President - Melissa Gribb

Secretary - Tess Long

Treasurer - Nik Gribb

Treasurer's Responsibilities - Financial officer of the organization. Responsible for and have custody of all funds; make disbursements as properly authorized; keep accurate records of receipts and expenditures; be present at all PTO events where money will be collected and deposit all monies for the organization; assure that PTO policies and best practices are followed with regards to funds; prepare financial reports for the year as well as for each monthly meeting; prepare the books for an annual audit; prepare required tax returns for the organization; attend monthly board meetings and PTO sponsored events throughout the year; and assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board. (Effort: year-round, on-going) 

Volunteer Coordinator - Melissa Gribb

Volunteer Coordinator Responsibilities - Attend a minimum of 2 annual meetings with the Principal to plan school events, examine Volunteer needs; Organize all volunteer areas as requested by the school; recruit and coordinate chairpersons to assist with committees; organize volunteer events; track all volunteer hours monthly and report totals to Executive Board; attend monthly board meetings and PTO sponsored events throughout the year; and assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board.  (Effort: year-round, on going)

Teacher Liaison - Tamara Fleming

Teacher Representative Responsibilities - Formally represent the faculty and staff and serve as the key communicator between the Executive Board and the faculty and the staff; attend monthly board meetings and PTO sponsored events throughout the year; and assume other responsibilities as assigned by the Executive Board. Principal Appointed position but please submit any interest. (Effort: year-round, on going)

Principal - Allie Martin