Dyslexia & Dysgraphia Resources for Parents
This site is intended to provide parents of students with dyslexia and/or dysgraphia resources for how to support your child at home.
This site is intended to provide parents of students with dyslexia and/or dysgraphia resources for how to support your child at home.
Click on one of the tabs in the top right-hand corner to access resources, or use one of the links below:
Click on one of the tabs in the top right-hand corner to access resources, or use one of the links below:
How to Support Your Child in Early Reading Skills
When you click on picture, it will take you to an external website, Learning Ally

Parent Information Package for Learning Ally.
If you need passwords over the summer, please contact mwillis@kleinisd.net or tburroughs1@kleinisd.net