Frequently Asked Questions

When will children start school?

Children will start school on Tuesday 23rd august 2022. Over the coming weeks you will find out how we will transition the children into school and which class they will be in. In depth transition information will follow soon and a transition page will be available of the website, so please look out for this.

What does a typical school day look like?

If all is back to normal, the day starts for the children at 8.30 a.m., when they are welcomed into classes currently we have a 'soft' start where children are in classes from when they arrive. They will have a snack and morning playtime and then a time to eat lunch with a lunch playtime. Each individual teacher will let you know what day the children have P.E., library sessions, music, and Chinese. The remainder of the day is used by the teachers to ensure quality learning opportunities for the children are delivered. Children are collected, or go to bus lines at 2.45 p.m.

Currently we have a shortened lunchtime and school busses leave at 2.30 p.m. (May 2022)

When can I get school uniform for my child?

Look out for information coming soon from the PTA.

What about a school bus?

These are organised independently by parents for their own child. We will send details of a list of bus companies in due course.

Will there be social distancing when the school returns in August?

We will be following EBD, CHP and ESF guidelines. Should this be the case you will be notified of our protocols. How we are currently following EDB, CHP and ESF guidelines for our return to school this year, can be viewed on our School website.

What if my child loses something in school? (e.g. items of clothing or toys)

Please make sure that everything your child has on or brigs to school is clearly labelled. We have a lost property area and so named items are usually found. Please do not send toys to school children, unless it is at the request of the teacher for sharing in class time only. Children do get distressed if they lose precious items and sometimes these cannot be found.

What colour shoes should my child wear?

On P.E. days, plain white sport shoes (no coloured markings). On uniform days, plain black leather shoes.