School counselors are certified/licensed educators who improve student success for ALL students by implementing a comprehensive school counseling program.

What does a school counselor do?

School counselors work closely with students, staff, and families to help connect students with the support they need to be successful in school, manage situations they face in life, and assist students in developing a sense of self. In addition to the following school based counseling services, school counselors can also help connect students and families with community resources:

Counseling for individual students - students meet with counselors individually to get help with friendships, difficulties they are facing in school or outside of school, and to help learn how to deal with difficult feelings they may be experiencing. A student, parent, or teacher can request for a school counselor to meet with a student.

Small groups - Both counselors run periodic small group sessions focused on social skill development, anxiety, family changes, self-esteem building, improving organization and academic skill development.

Classroom lessons - throughout the year school counselors provide classroom lessons for all students around topics such as improving executive functioning skills, internet safety, empathy/compassion, managing strong emotions, problem solving, exploring interests and career possibilities, making healthy decisions, and more based on student need.

School Counselors differ from mental health counselors in that we provide systemic support through a multidimensional intervention. School counselors provide individual, group, and classroom counseling sessions as short term and solution-focused. Mental Health Counselors provide individual counseling sessions and function as long term therapy.

Confidentiality- Information students share with the school counselor is confidential. The student’s right to privacy is guarded as much as permitted by law, ethics, and school policy. The school counselor is obligated to break confidentiality when there is potential harm to the student or others, concern of neglect or abuse, or a court of law that requires testimony or student records.

At times, the counselor and school-based staff (teacher, social worker, principal, etc.) will need to exchange information about your child (how are they coping in class, strategies to help, etc.) All communication will take place only on a need-to-know basis.

The School Counselor and Virtual School Counseling

Limitations of virtual school counseling include, but are not limited to, confidentiality, access, and availability. Click here for more information.