Mitchell Student Links


Did you know that critical thinking, logic, persistence, and creativity help students excel at problem-solving in all subject areas, no matter what their age is. Did you know that coding helps students learn these skills! So what is coding?

Coding - is a set of instructions you give a computer.

Programing - is the ability to explain instructions so clearly that something without a brain can understand it!

Coding teaches you better explanation skills.

To be a programmer is to be a great explainer!

Coding sharpens your: Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, Logic, Persistence and Problem Solving skills! has compiled some amazing resources, please check them out below. These games will sharpen your skills, you will learn and practice coding! Anyone regardless of age can have fun with these activities, no prior computer experience is necessary!


Beach Cleanup

Build Fuzz

Puppy Adventure

Candy Quest

Be Anything

Dragon Blast

Nature Walks

Barbie Pet Vet


Anna and Elsa

Bot Logic


Star Wars

Dance Party

Flappy Bird

Mystery Island