Robert Risley Fryer

Robert Risley Fryer

Robert Fryer was born June 25th, in 1947, and died on January 1st, in 1968 during the Vietnam War. Fryer was a soldier in the Army and ranked a PFC (Private First Class), his MOS was 11C10: Indirect Fire Infantryman and the unit he was in was A CO, 2nd BN, 22nd Infantry, 25th INF DIV, USARV. He started his tour in Korea on January 7th, 1968 and his incident occurred on January 26th 1968. He was only 20 years old when he died at war, he was killed in the area of Tay Ninh Province, South Vietnam. They recovered his body and it was decided upon that the reason for his death was a ground casualty, caused by either artillery, a rocket or a mortar.  

A remembrance was written about him by a friend, 

“I knew Bobby when I was a kid. He was a bagger at Safeway. He was always so nice to me and always messed up my hair after he'd bagged the groceries. I've never really recovered from the shock of his death. Many of us still remember you, Bobby. Thanks for your sacrifice.”

James Holloway