Kiski Area Veterans Website

Welcome to the Kiski Area Veterans Website

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This student created, student maintained website tells the stories of local Veterans dating back to World War I.  

Navigate to a time period using the menu to the far left or links below.  To submit information about a Veteran using this link.

Go to the Monument Images page to look for names of neighbors, family members or friends.  You can navigate to a specific conflict by exploring the time periods listed on the menu to the far left or using the buttons below the scrolling images..  

Follow our Social Media Accounts:


Facebook: KiskiArea VeteransWebsite

Check out the video created by Athena Wray, a 6th Grade student at Kiski Area Upper Elementary, which commemorates Veterans Day!

Follow our social media accounts!

Twitter: @KiskiVeterans

 Anthony P. Busofsky 

Grandfather of one of our very own, KAHS Veterans Website founder, Mr. Dan Smith.