Richard D. Kunkle

Birth: Richard “Dick” Kunkle was born on July 18, 1932 in Logansport, Pennsylvania to his father, Richard Kunkle, and his mother, Ada Boyd Laux.

Death: Richard lived to be 78 years old, as he died on October 24, 2010 in the Armstrong County Memorial Hospital.  

Family: Richard was married to Lillian Wilds Kunkle.  She had died in 2006, four years before Rich.  His sisters included Patricia Toy, Joanne Cramer, Betty Adams, and Mary Anne.  Rich also had two sons: Richard Kunkle and David Kunkle.  His two daughters were Diana Pauline and Teresa Berrett.  Rich had 13 grandchildren, and 5 great-grandchildren.

Service: Rich served in the United States Army during the Korean war.  He was a member of the military police.

Occupation: He worked for Breaman’s Trucking in Leechburg, PA.

Hobbies and Recreation: Rich was a member of Bethel Lutheran Church.  He loved to spend time with all of his grandchildren.  Also, he liked to hunt, fish, and do puzzles.