James E. Johnston

Private James Johnston is remembered for his service during World War 1. Johnston was born on January 22, 1984 in the county of Blair and city of Altoona. Johnston worked as a concrete worker for a large majority of his life. He was a concrete worker for 25 years. He also had many brothers and sisters, with a total of six siblings. James served in the United States Army ranked as a private. Johnston was in the 16th regiment.  He served from June first in the year of 1918 to August fourth, 1919. He did not die in the war. Johnston was killed in an automobile accident on March 11, 1938. James Johnston was only 44 years old at the time of his death. He was walking along a highway just south of Duncansville when he was abruptly struck by a vehicle. The incident was concluded as an accident.  James was buried March 13, 1938 at Carson Valley in Blair county , Pennsylvania.