Carl M. Grimm

Carl McKay Grimm

No. US 52248896

My grandfather, Carl Grimm, participated in the United States Army and the Korean War. He was drafted around 20 years old and ranked Corporal once he got into the army. While in the army, he was taught extensive training in order to become a soldier. He was taught how to use light infantry weapons, he stayed in temporary barracks, learned how to dig foxholes, camouflage their faces for night combat, and had regular training. He claimed the training was intense and was told by many him and his comrades were coming home in pine boxes. He got out of the army 2 years later when he was around 22 years old, he went back to his job at the National Roll and Foundry in Avonmore, PA. He was in the labor gang and later moved to machining and maintenance. Today, my pap is 85 years old and enjoys working outside, being with family, and telling interesting stories about the army!