Joseph F. Garda

Joseph F. Garda

Joseph was born in Vandergrift on July 8,1929. His parents were Domenick and Cecilia Garda. He attended Vandergrift High school and received his high school diploma. Joseph proudly attended Duquesne University after his school school years.  He was married to his sweet heart, Leona Beatty. Mr. Garda contributed many brave actions during the Korean War. He served in the Air Force during his time. Before retiring, Garda was a social worker and counselor at Armstrong County School district. He obtained this profession for nearly 20 years. He decided to retire from his job in 1987.  Joseph passed away on October 2, 2014 (85 years old). He was found in Good Samaritan Hospice Cabot. He loved being around his family and friends and enjoyed their company.