Stephen R. Dinga

Stephen was born on September 6, 1929 in North Vandergrift. He served from 1949-1951 in the Korean War.  His rank was Staff Sergeant in the U.S. Air Force. He was awarded the UN Defense, UN Offense, CCF Intervention, and the 1st UN Counteroffensive. Stephen was the youngest of three brothers and a family oriented man. He enlisted in the Air Force, attended Basic Training at Lachland AFB, training in Biloxi, Mississippi and then off to Korea where he served as a Signalman. He fought in the Pusan Perimeter. Stephen was a gentle, soft spoken man was not obligated to enlist. But having lost one brother in the Sicilian Invasion of WWII and another serving simultaneously in the Korean War he felted obligated in doing what was right and protecting American freedom. Sgt. Dinga returned home a totally different person from when he left and died of heart failure at the age of 44.