James A. Shoupe

James Alva Shoupe was born February 4th, 1897, in Avonmore, Pa.  James was son of Clarence and Mary Shoupe. James Shoupe was tall, had grey eyes, and had brown hair.  He was a medium sized man. Throughout his childhood and early adulthood, James lived in Salina, Pa.  Before entering the forces, he worked at American Sheet and Tin Plate Company in Vandergrift, Pa. He married Leah Calahan. James was 21 years old when he registered, and entered service on September 6, 1918.   He was sent to Camp Greenleaf and attached to base hospital No 65.  He sailed in October of 1918 and was still in service on October 1, 1919 in France. James died on August 8th, 1935.