Becoming a Spreadsheet Ninja

Welcome to this session at Morrison Academy entitled 'Becoming a Spreadsheet Ninja'. Spreadsheets are one of the most underutilized tools in Google's suite of tools but they have enormous applications when used. Spreadsheets are not as user friendly as Docs at first glance and much of their functionality can be difficult to apply and decipher. However, being able to 'make sense of data' is a very sought after skill in our current economy and teachers that are able to use basic data mining skills are of extraordinary help on committees and special projects.

The format of today is for participants to browse 6 different scenarios common to schools and education communities. Based on experience, participants will work on a task together and then present it to the larger group at the end of the workshop session. We'll start by having teachers indicate which topics they'd like to work on so we can group you accordingly and start working!