Travel through Europe

This album highlights Nora's travels as a young woman, from London, through France and Spain, and ending in French Morocco. In her photographs she captures the people, the ways of life, and the architecture of the region that fascinated her.

A Map of Nora's journey through Europe 1954 - Summer
Nora seated in the Plaza Mayor - Madrid, Spain 1954
Nora - Montserrat, Spain 1954
Procession, Sultan's Palace - Rabat, French Morocco 1954

Photograph Albums

Photos of people

Dr. Nora Mitchell in her photos highlights the mainstream way of life in all the countries. Here are some of the photos that captures her love for the countries she visited, and the people she came across

Carpet Vendor - Meknes, French Morocco 1954
Moroccan Family - Meknes, French Morocco 1954
Pierre - Lagny, France 1954
Transport in Andalusia, - Spain 1954
Group of Nuns at Montserrat - Spain 1954
Arab women washing by a stream - French Morocco 1954
Shop outside the Medina - Fez, French Morocco 1954

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