Social Emotional


Letter from your Social Emotional Learning Team Click Here >

Students and Families,

Welcome to our Social Emotional Wellness page for KIPP Aspire. We would like to extend our support for students during this time of distance learning. On this page, you'll find updates from the City of San Antonio in regards to COVID 19, updates from KIPP Texas, community & social resources, and activities for students to stay emotionally, socially and physically healthy. You will also find a way to contact a Counselor if needed located in the Counselors Corner. We truly miss our students and want them to be safe, healthy and productive. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

What does it mean to be an ARCHER?


Want to contact us? Here's a few ways to stay connected.

Follow us @kipp.aspire.sel

Need Counseling?

See our Counselors Corner for helpful resources!

Google Classroom

Parents, need help with Google Classroom? Want to know your child's grades? Click the classroom picture to the right for tutorial.

If you are in need of assistance (food, bills, housing, jobs, etc.), please dial 2-1-1 ☎️ to speak to a Call Specialist OR call the numbers listed below.

Stay Safe.

Wear a mask/Usa una mascara por favor!

How to make a homemade mask - DIY Project.

San Antonio Food Bank - Nutritional Resources

What is Social Distancing & Why are we doing it?