
Remote Learning Hub

KIPP Chicago will be ONLINE until Tuesday, November 10th

The first day of Remote School is August 24th. Our tentative on-site start date for students is Tuesday, November 10th. This means our entire first quarter of learning will take place remotely. We will continue to monitor this situation closely and will remain consistent in making decisions that center the health and safety of your children and their teachers.

KIPP Chicago Remote Learning Attendance Policy

KIPP Chicago will keep attendance each day in accordance with the state of Illinois instructional days requirement. Students who do not complete course work assignments remotely or who do not attend virtual class meetings scheduled for a given day will be marked absent for that day.

    • Live Classes: Students are marked present if they attend their scheduled live class and marked absent if they do not.

    • Independent Classes: Students are marked present if they submit their assignment on time and are marked absent if they do not.

KIPP Chicago Grading Policy

KIPP Chicago will return to its normal grading practices in which grades will be based on participation in live Zoom class, completion of all work, and mastery of material. Therefore, unlike KIPP’s remote grading practices from the Spring, grades can go up or down. Families will be emailed a weekly progress report on Mondays with updated grades, attendance, and work completion feedback.

KIPP Chicago English Learner Vision

KIPP Chicago encourages students to use their culture and linguistic skills in order to create a system that validates and honors their identity. Students learn to advocate for themselves in both the English and Spanish languages. Through special programming and extracurricular activities students embrace their bilingualism, biculturalism and develop their biliteracy skills. We hold ourselves accountable to be advocates for our students and their families by ensuring we provide quality communication in a language they understand.

KIPP Chicago English Learner Mission

All of our campuses value the assets of each community it serves, fosters the values of diversity and equity and seeks to learn from all stakeholders. Furthermore, we value the experiences of families who speak a language other than English; through their advocacy we collaborate to enhance the student experience. In accordance with the Illinois State Board of Education and Chicago Public Schools regulations, KIPP Chicago schools provide ESL and/or Bilingual programming to enhance the cultural and linguistic strengths students bring to their learning community. Our qualified staff share the responsibility of providing an equitable education to our students who are English Learners. Students whose first language is not English partake in an academically challenging curriculum that honors and reflects their cultural and linguistic experiences so they may have the power of choice to live lives of purpose, excellence, and fulfillment.

20-21 KIPP Chicago Calendar.pdf

KIPPsters of the Week















