Washington, D.C. Trip


 7th thru 12th Grade Washington, D.C. Trip

Trip Overview

The Washington DC trip for the school year 2024-2025 7th-12th grade classes will be March 31 - April 4, 2025

More information can be found here.

Students:  If you are interested in going on with us on the field trip please fill out this form.  You are not obligating any financial commitment.  This is just for us to determine the level of interest.

Parents/Guardians/Staff Members:  If you are interested in chaperoning, please fill out this form.  You are not obligating any financial commitment. This is just for us to determine the level of interest.

Upcoming Events:

How will I know if I'm on the list to go?

We have to have a minimum of 40 passengers to secure a bus.  Each bus can hold 54 passengers.  You will receive a notification that your spot is reserved for the trip.  To confirm your seat you will need to make a $100 deposit.  See Payment Information below.

Payment Information:

Below is the payment information for the trip.  

$100 is due per participant once a bus is filled to secure your spot on the bus. 

Additional $200 due September 30, 2024 (Total paid $300)

Additional $300 due November 15, 2024 (Total paid $600)

All $900 must be paid by February 1st, 2025

We will be holding fundraisers to help pay the cost of the trip.