Welcome to Kingsmoor Lower School's SEND Information Page.

SENDC0 - Caroline Jenkins

SEND Assistant - Joanne Helliwell

CONTACT: The SEND Team -  senco@kingsmoorschool.co.uk or 01525 712448

Early understanding and identification is crucial for children with a special need or disability. Staff, in partnership with parents, pupils and where needed, outside agencies, monitor, assess, plan and provide the best education possible for each individual child. 

At Kingsmoor Lower School, we pride ourselves in our inclusive, community focused environment where all of our children are treated with respect and integrity. Children build up trusted relationships with staff and peers and are then encouraged to become independent learners and thinkers. Children with a special need or disability are treated in the same way and staff work hard to ensure that all children are included in every single subject and area of the daily curriculum.  

This page is here to support parents and children in understanding Kingsmoor Lower School's Local offer. It also offers information on some types of special needs that you, as parents and carers, have asked for support on, and suggests other local agencies who can offer more support. 

Kingsmoor Lower School's 

SEND Information Report and Policy and Accessibility Plan 

9) Accessibility_Plan_20220822.docx
Kingsmoor's SEND Information Report .pdf

What is a special need?

In England, the government defines special needs as:

A child has special educational needs if they have a learning problem or disability that make it more difficult for them to learn than most children their age. They may have problems with schoolwork, communication or behaviour. 

'Special educational needs' is a legal definition and refers to children with learning problems or disabilities that make it harder for them to learn than most children the same age.  


There are four main areas of Special Educational Need: 

cognition and learning

communication and interaction

 social emotional mental health 

physical and sensory 

What is the SEND Code of Practice?

The SEND code of practice is a statutory code containing:

details of legal requirements that you must follow without exception

statutory guidance that you must follow by law unless there’s a good reason not to

It explains the duties of local authorities, health bodies, schools and colleges to provide for those with special educational needs under part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014.

The code, which applies to England, is for:

headteachers and principals

governing bodies

school and college staff

special educational needs (SEN) co-ordinators

early years providers

other education settings

local authorities

health and social services staff


What is Mental Health?

Mental health explained for KS2

Mental health film made by children 

Sesame Street explains happy and sad 

Inside out - Guess the feeling KS1 game

Who can I contact? Where can I go for more information or support?

What is Autism?

What is Autism?

Explaining Autism to children in Key Stage 2

Strategies to help children with ASD 

ASD PowerPoint for young people & families 2020.pptx

Autism explained through sesame street 

Who can I contact? Where can I go for more information or support?

What is ADHD?

What is ADHD?

What does ADHD feel like?

Strategies to help calm down people with ADHD.

calming down strategies - ideas for IEP/Classroom

A quick overview of ADHD


ADHD Medication:

A guide for Parents and Carers:


When do you need to think about starting a medication for ADHD?

ADHD medication is generally recommended when there are persisting problems causing significant impact, after other treatments/support such as school support, classroom modifications and behavioural strategies have not helped adequately.

Who can I contact? Where can I go for more information or support?

A guide for young people: https://www.adhdfoundation.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Young-Persons-Guide_FINAL.pdf

What is Dyslexia? 

One of our students talks about Dyslexia 

Elliot talks about Dyslexia

A video on dyslexia

What does dyslexia look like?

What is it like to have dyslexia?

Who can I contact? Where can I go for more information or support?

Empowering parents booklet: https://cdn.bdadyslexia.org.uk/documents/Empowered-Parents.pdf?mtime=20200324144644

What is Dyscalculia? 

What is dyscalculia? 

What are the warning signs for dyscalculia? 

What is it like to have dyscalculia? 

Who can I contact? Where can I go for more information or support?

What is Fine and Gross Motor Control?

Please use the following link for help with fine and gross motor control


Kingsmoor Local Offer and Provision

Central Bedfordshire's Local SEND Offer



We are SENDIASS December 2020.mp4

SENDIASS give free, confidential and impartial information relating to your child’s special educational needs. They provide information regarding parents’ rights and responsibilities, and sign post you to who you can talk to about your child.

Contact them by :

Email: sendiass@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Web: Visit SENDIASS' website

Telephone: 0300 300 8088 – 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday

Facebook: Find SENDIASS on Facebook

Follow the link for more information https://www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/info/15/special_educational_needs_and_disability_-_local_offer/141/central_bedfordshire_special_educational_needs_and_disability_information_advice_and_support_service

Other Useful Contacts 


SNAP (Special Needs Action Panel) is a pro-active, independent forum of parent carers who all have children or young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). SNAP’s purpose is to improve the services provided for our young people, aged between 0 and 25 years. 



IPSEA offers free and independent legally based information, advice and support to help get the right education for children and young people with all kinds of special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). We also provide training on the SEND legal framework to parents and carers, professionals and other organisations. 


The Early Years SEND team

Early Years SEND Team (preschool and foundation years) 

0300 300 4364 

The SEND team

Telephone: 0300 300 8356

Email: statass@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk 

The Medical Needs Team

Telephone: 0300 300 8038

Email: medicalteam@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk 

The Hearing Impairment Service

Telephone: 0300 300 8038

Email: hearingteam@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk 

The Visual Impairment Service

Telephone: 0300 300 8038

Email: visualteam@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk 

The Child Development Service

Address: Hill Rise, Kempston, Bedford MK42 7EB

Phone: 01234 310278