Sample Proposals

What would be the working name of your exhibit?

Vanishing Monarchs

Explain your idea in detail:

Our booth is intended to raise awareness about the declining population of monarch butterflies and stimulate policy and citizen action. Our booth will contain information for participants and food for monarchs. Using biodegradable clear balloons filled with floating, fluffy milkweed seeds, visitors to our booth will be asked to take the balloon home and to pop the balloons in their neighborhoods to plant the milkweed, thus increasing habitat for the threatened species and, importantly, giving citizens a sense of ownership over the problem. Our booth will also showcase artwork from AP Digital Media Art students created with digital technologies using the Monarch Butterfly for inspiration. The artwork will be for sale and all proceeds will be donated to

What will people learn from visiting your booth? *

Visitors to our booth will learn about the 3 main reasons populations of Monarch Butterflies are dwindling: deforestation in Mexico, recent bouts of severe weather, and the growth of herbicide-based agriculture destroying crucial milkweed flora in the Midwest. Visitors will also see how digital technologies can be used to create art.

How does your exhibit correlate to S.T.E.A.M.? *

Our booth has an environmental Science theme, using Technology to make Art.

Please list the materials you will be utilizing for your display. *

Biodegradable latex balloons, Common Milkweed seeds, hemp string, custom-printed buttons featuring artwork focused on monarch butterflies, handouts, easels, framed artwork.

What would be the working name of your exhibit?

Paper Airplane Competition

Explain your idea in detail:

I will set up a space in the gym for kids to create and throw paper airplanes into a target zone. Anyone getting their airplane into the target zone will win a small prize (piece of candy). Along with this activity I will have a demo area set up that shows one of the projects we complete in my Aerospace Science class.

What will people learn from visiting your booth? *

The kids will learn about at least one of the projects we do in my aerospace class and have fun making and throwing paper airplanes.

How does your exhibit correlate to S.T.E.A.M.? *

The demo on display will show some of the science and engineering skills used in my class.

Please list the materials you will be utilizing for your display. *

2 tables and blank paper plus the materials for my demo.

What would be the working name of your exhibit?

Creating a Mad Lib

Explain your idea in detail:

Students from Intro to Computer Science will program Mad Libs in Python on Visitors to our booth would run their programs and answer the questions until the program displays their unique mad lib. We would then print their mad libs out so each visitor has a "take-away".

What will people learn from visiting your booth? *

How to use coding to create a mad lib using input and print commands.

How does your exhibit correlate to S.T.E.A.M.? *

Coding and programming is the technology piece of STEAM.

Please list the materials you will be utilizing for your display. *

At least three different Chromebooks that are connected to a printer.

What would be the working name of your exhibit?

Stock Market Simulation

Explain your idea in detail:

Guests will pick from 4 groups of stocks and will get feedback from a computer simulation on what that group of stocks would have have made, or lost, over the past year.

What will people learn from visiting your booth? *

What a stock is, what it means to own stock, and the rewards/risks of being in the stock market

How does your exhibit correlate to S.T.E.A.M.? *

Technology is used to demonstrate business values.

Please list the materials you will be utilizing for your display. *

Computer Simulation and Storyboard.