Autumn Newsletter

Welcome to your first year with us here at KACP!

Look below to see all of the amazing learning we have done in our first term at school! 


This term in mastering number, the children have built on previous experiences of number from their home and nursery environments, and further developed their subitising and counting skills. They have explored the composition of numbers within 5 and have begun to compare sets of objects and use the language of comparison. They have learnt to: 

• identify when a set can be subitised and when counting is needed

 • subitise different arrangements, both unstructured and structured, including using the Hungarian number frame.

• make different arrangements of numbers within 5 and talk about what they can see, to develop their conceptual subitising skills

 • spot smaller numbers ‘hiding’ inside larger numbers connect quantities and numbers to finger patterns and explore different ways of representing numbers on their fingers

 • hear and join in with the counting sequence, and connect this to the ‘staircase’ pattern of the counting numbers, seeing that each number is made of one more than the previous number

• develop counting skills and knowledge, including: that the last number in the count tells us ‘how many’ (cardinality); to be accurate in counting, each thing must be counted once and once only and in any order; the need for 1:1 correspondence; understanding that anything can be counted, including actions and sounds

• compare sets of objects by matching 

• begin to develop the language of ‘whole’ when talking about objects which have parts

This term in Shape, Space and Measure the children have learnt to:

- Identify, name and describe 2d shapes

- Copy, continue and create ab (and beyond) repeating patterns

- Compare size, mass and capacity using every day and mathematical language

Understanding the World 

In Autumn 1, the children explored our topic 'No Place like Home'. We looked at our own personal history and the children loved bringing in and sharing their baby photos. They had fantastic discussions about what they could and could not do as a baby and what they can do now. We thought about the future and the children thought about the things they can not do now but hope to do when they are older like drive a car. We also looked at our families and how these can be different to our friends. 

Whilst looking at our Literacy text 'Owl Babies', we learnt lots of amazing facts about Owls and even got to meet some real ones when Owls about Town came to visit! A highlight for all this term! 

In Autumn, the children have been looking at where they come from and where they live. We have looked at Portsmouth and how it is an Island. The children enjoyed building and designing bridges to help make Portsmouth easier to access. We have also used Google Earth to look at where our friends and families have come from.