Kimball Elementary School

E-learning STEM Options - Choose 1

It's National Walk your Dog Day, Dog Biscuit Day and National Trading Card Day this week, so let's do some animal related STEM

How can you support our STEM program?  

There are needs posted outside my door at the elementary or you can use my Amazon wish list, linked below.


What does it all mean?

You may hear about these things in the news.  STEM has been around for a while but as it evolves they keep adding letters. So here is what each letter in the acronym stands for.

S - Science

T - Technology

R - Reading

E - Engineering

A - Art

M - Math

Here in Kimball we are keeping it simple by calling it STEM, but students are exposed to all of the letters in an integrated curriculum that grows from year to year.  Students attend STEM every other week.  Being in STEM for a whole week at a time allows us to set the stage for the week with a story or some background information.  Then students build on that knowledge to create a project as a group.  Projects range from art projects that involve math, engineering, or science to build projects that integrate engineering, technology, and physics.  Through these projects students solve real-world problems in new and creative ways while learning to work cooperatively.

STEM does not include teamwork as one of its letters, but teamwork is integral in the success of STEM.  Our main goals in STEM class are not that the build works perfectly every time, but rather that groups work together and never give up.  I look forward to working with your students throughout the year to grow resilient team players.