
In keeping with the aims of the revised Northern Ireland Curriculum we aim to empower young people to develop to their full potential and to make informed and reasonable choices and decisions throughout their lives. The curriculum's objectives are to help young people develop

Killowen Primary School will follow the Northern Ireland Curriculum, which is the statutory requirement for all schools. This provides a broad and balanced education, which will be delivered in an atmosphere that encourages optimum personal achievement. 

These are the main areas of study:

If parents wish to withdraw children from RE, please make an appointment to see our principal.

The cross curricular skills - 

Communication, using Mathematics , using ICT and Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities are incorporated in the pupils' learning. IPads  and Chrome Books are used 1:1 with the children to enhance all areas of learning and develop essential ICT skills.

Many of the arts subjects and PE are supported by additional teachers with expertise in music, drama, art and various sporting activities such as tennis, football, hockey and rugby. Piano, guitar, violin, speech, drama, singing lessons are all available.

As well as the main curriculum areas in Killowen we offer:

Nurture Groups

Our project teacher leads the nurture initiative in school. Theraplay is used to help develop our children's social and emotional skills.

Jolly Phonics 

A system of learning sounds which suits every type of learner.

Guided Reading 

A technique to really teach children to continually improve their reading.

Accelerated Reading

Encourages independent reading where children set personal targets and enjoy taking quizzes.

Sports coaching

Children benefit from swimming lessons and expert coaching in a wide range of sports such as football, tennis, hockey, volleyball, cricket, handball, golf etc.


Classes learn some basic Spanish words and phrases.

Primary Movement

Helps switch off any reflexes from childhood which should not have been retained and may hinder development.


Consolidates learning in a fun way in all aspects of Maths.


Many of our children enjoying preparing and participating in the local Speech and Music Festival.


Our school is mapped for the activity and we can do it in the community too.


Computers in every classroom mean ICT is integrated into all curriculum areas. 1:1 use of iPads and Chrome Books  in  classrooms.

Additional Educational Needs

It is important that parents are encouraged to work in partnership with the school and any professionals involved in the education of their children. We benefit from the expertise of RISE. This team provides speech and language therapists and occupational therapists etc who are able to come into school and develop programmes to help our children. 

It is our intention to provide parents with updated information concerning their children and the programmes of help available to them. Parents in turn can provide information which will help the school in understanding the child's needs, can give help at home, be involved in reviews and support the implementation of any education plans. The teachers and assistants work very hard to ensure the plans are relevant and challenging to ensure the progression of every child.  Targeted intervention progammes are implemented as and when necessary. We also have our Specialist Provision Classroom for children with social and communication needs. Thankfully, having such a numerous team of highly trained teachers and assistants allows us to provide for a wide variety of individual needs.


In addition to regular informal assessment of a child's progress by the teacher, formal standarised assessment in English and Mathematics takes place at the end of Key Stage 1 (Year4) and Key Stage 2 (Year 7). Standardised English and Maths tests are used in May / June for P3 - P7. Children's groups are reviewed regularly and if appropriate progress has been made they will move up a level. Assessing is an integral part of teaching so appropriate activities are planned to ensure the children develop beyond expectations.  Interventions are discussed with parents and implemented to give a boost to children's learning where necessary eg Reading Together, Toe-by-Toe, Talking Partners etc.

Success is celebrated in many, many different ways, and qualities e.g. kindness are also rewarded at our special assemblies.

Parents are invited to parent / teacher interviews twice a year and receive a written report on children's progress at the end of the school year. Parents are welcome to make an appointment at any time to discuss their child's progress. At the end of Year 7, pupils receive a record of achievement. This is a celebration of the child's time at primary school. It includes academic and non-academic achievements both in and out of school.

Killowen Primary School, Shuttlehill, Coleraine, Co. Londonderry

Northern Ireland, BT51 3BZ

Telephone: 028 7034 2483                                                       Email: Contact Form