Crockerbox Palace 2.0

I've Been Expecting You !

You Are Certainly Welcome Here at the New 2.0!

This fall, I will meet my 23rd Hall-Dale Middle School class. Student success is best shared among each of us – you, your child and me as their maths facilitator.

Whether you will be here in person, remotely sometime, or remotely all the time, I am SOOOOO glad to see you. This year will be something special. In addition to the uncertainty the pandemic has brought, we will be working with a newly rearranged set of Maine Math Standards. To insure success with the new list of targets, I am piloting Open Up Resources - a dynamic, interesting approach to math that will help develop a deeper understanding of maths.

Most of the work will be accessible through your student's particular google classroom. I have sent you the links separately. Be sure to bookmark them.

It is important to communicate frequently to help your child move forward. If you ever need to meet with me, I am happy to schedule a time before or after school. E-mail is generally quicker ( Phone is also useful (622-4162 x337). I prefer to speak with parents when there are no students in my room. As such, I tend to return calls after dismissal.

The Palace is Always Under Revision. I welcome your suggestions on how to improve this site. Let me know what I can do. KMF!