Illustrator's Bio

Danii Oliver

Me again! As a fine artist for the over two decades, this may come as a surprise but this is my VERY FIRST true art concentration. My art teachers never explained to me what a concentration is or how to approach it so at 36 I embarked to figure it out and at 38 I am still exercising that new muscle. 

My hand changes over time. It happens when writing, painting and drawing. Thus to maintain one stylistic approach I have to stop take breaks and allow my hand to reset. 

You will notice those changes throughout the book from older illustrations to the newer ones and the redrawn one. I did my best to keep illustrations as consistent as possible but I also leaned out of my obsessive artist and allowed the work to come to life and tell it's own story of time, love and addiction to my craft. I miss you #2's but digital has won my heart. 

Illustrations by the Danii Oliver

Illustrator’s Note

A special thanks to all who gave feedback and artistic critics along this multi year journey: 

To my partner, who encouraged me to start with what I knew: from simple sketches and storyboards to photography, design and image composition. To my children, who demanded more details and that color be added. 

To my daughter, my sun child,  and co-author,  who contributed doodles.

To my son, my moon child, who provided the soundtrack of whines, screams and yelling to my workdays. Every artist needs a sound track to put them in the zone and his was locked in my stereo. 

To my guides who have helped me convey my bigger than life ideas and helped to to not seek perfection. To friends and family who have waited with anticipation or tested my illustrations and narratives on their kids. 

Thank you all for making this dream a reality.

-- Danii Oliver

Giving an Illustrator's Vision a Voice

In the creation of "Unschool Discoveries," Danii Oliver not only penned the narrative but also breathed life into it through their illustrations. As an illustrator, Oliver embarked on a deeply personal journey, one that was as much about self-discovery as it was about artistic expression. Their goal was to develop a unique and consistent personal style that would do more than just accompany the text; it would elevate the narrative, adding layers of meaning and emotion.

Oliver's illustrations are integral to the storytelling process, serving as a visual language that communicates the essence of unschooling. Each image is crafted not just to captivate and engage young readers but to resonate with them on a deeper level. The illustrations in "Unschool Discoveries" are more than mere visual accompaniments; they are narrative elements in their own right, each one contributing to the overarching story of joy, diversity, and the freedom of learning unconventionally.

This artistic journey was also about giving voice to a vision that had long been gestating in Oliver's mind. Through their art, they sought to represent the vibrancy and diversity of unschooled children's experiences, particularly those from underrepresented communities. The illustrations are a celebration of these experiences, rendered in a style that is both accessible to children and deeply meaningful.

Moreover, Oliver's background in fine arts and their experience as an alumnus of the High School of Art & Design have significantly influenced their approach to each illustration. They approached each spread with the intention of creating something that could stand alone as a piece of art, worthy of being showcased on gallery walls. This approach adds a layer of sophistication to the illustrations, making them appealing not just to children but to adults as well.

In "Unschool Discoveries," Oliver's illustrations are not just supporting the narrative; they are an essential part of it. They give a voice to the unschooling experience, making the series a unique and powerful contribution to children's literature. Through their art, Oliver has created a world that is rich in imagination and beauty, a world that invites readers of all ages to explore and discover the joys of learning in their own unique way.