Extra Work

Welcome and congratulations for exploring this page. Below you will find a variety of websites that provide extra work in a variety of subjects. Just click on the link and learn, learn, learn!


This website provides a bunch of free educational games for kids to learn and have fun!

Cool Math Games

Like ABC Ya! Cool Math Games provides a bunch of free educational games

Make Me Genius

Despite the incorrect grammar in the title, the website is actually quite intelligent. It contains educational videos that cover a range of scientific and literary topics.

How Stuff Works

This website is an informational website that answers tons of interesting questions such as how do tornadoes form? Do animals laugh? and What kind of board games did they play in the medieval ages?


Want to work on your writing skills in a unique and interesting way? Start a blog! Blogger allows people of all ages to start their own online blogs and update them with new content everyday!


Want to learn a second, third, or fourth language? Maybe you just want to improve on any of the ones you've already learned! Duolingo provides mini lessons in a game type format that allows you to earn points the more you achieve!