Grading Policy

Based on the King George County Schools Recommendation

A 100 - 90

B 89 - 80

C 79 - 70

D 69 - 60

F 59 and below

Grades will be taken using a weighted system of points and shall be recorded on the Parent Portal in a timely manner.

  • Students who are absent will have the same amount of days to make up missed work. For example, two days absent equals two days to turn in missed work.
  • All assignments are equally weighted, with the exception of tests and projects.

Reading journals: Every student is assigned a day to write to me in their reading journal. This is where they talk about whatever book they are reading. They are to tell me what they think of it, their feelings, opinions, surprises, etc... I DO NOT WANT A SUMMARY. I have told students to think of it like a conversation between them and I about their books. Book talks! Just in a written format.