Behavior Guidlines


Due to the wide variety of unstructured activities completed in our PE class, student behavior is very important. A significant amount of self-control and self-monitoring from each child is necessary. We will try to offer many opportunities for children to improve their behavior and participate in the activity presented to them. Behavior is often linked to participation. If a child is unable to behave and follow rules and expectations, they are also not participating in the activity as expected which can/will result in grades being lowered. If at any time you have questions about how your child is behaving during class, please send me a message directly at

Parent notification:

As specials teachers we see every child in our building at least one time a week. We will do our very best to keep parents up to date via Power School. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your child’s behavior, please contact me at school via phone (540)775-5411 or email

Warnings: Once your child gets three or more warnings in a nine week grading period we will notify you using the contact information that is listed in Power School. After 3 warnings during one grading period, your child’s grade may be lowered to an S. After 5 warnings during one grading period, your child’s grade may be lowered to a N.

Time Out: If your child gets a time out in specials, we will send a form home with your child that does request a parent signature. This form should be returned by the following week. If it is not returned by the next class, we will notify you using the contact information that is listed in Power School. If your child receives a Time Out, their grade may be lowered.

Office Referral: If your child is sent to the office during specials, we needed to remove them from the situation. This is our last resort and only do this if they have had ample opportunities to improve their behavior or they posed a threat to themselves, classmates, or materials. If an office referral is necessary, we will contact you within 24 hours using the contact information that is listed in Power School. We will discuss with you how to improve the classroom experience to avoid future incidents.