Homework and Grading

Homework Policy:

Homework is not mandatory. I encourage your child to read at home for 20 minutes a day and practice their basic math facts. Students can also practice math using Mathseeds (Usernames and logins will be given the first couple weeks of school). However, if you would like your child to receive weekly homework to work on throughout the week, please let me know.


2nd Grade participates in a standards based report card!


4 Student's performance exceeds the grade-level standard. This designation may not be applicable for all standards.

3 Student's performance meets the grade-level standard.

2 Student is making progress, but performance does not yet meet the grade-level standard.

1 Student is performing significantly below grade-level standard.

/ Student will require additional instruction, practice and a high degree of teacher support to master the standard. Standard not assessed at this time.

M - Mastery

S - Satisfactory

N - Needs Improvement