Keystone Elementary Specials


Specials overview

Hello Keystone!! Keystone Elementary School (along with the rest of the world) has had quite a few changes! This year the Specials Department has altered both when and HOW we see your students! One concern that arose while planning for this year was that students being kept in one location as much as possible (to not be exposed to as many germs) would still ALL be seeing every Specials teacher, EVERY week, which potentially exposes everyone to everyone. We altered the schedule so that instead, all Wildcats will have each Special for 1 extended time period (Approx 31-33 consecutive school days) and then rotate to the next Special. In regards to how, we will all be on a cart and rotating between classrooms (including our online classrooms) instead of having the kids rotate locations. This does alter what and how we teach, but we promise to give our kiddos our "ALL" and continue to make learning fun and engaging for them. Our calendar is linked to this website so that you can easily see what Special your student is in at any point throughout the year.

Another change to make the lives of our Wildcat Families easier, is that all Specials Teachers are SHARING the online Google Classrooms for the year. So if you're child's class is online (or becomes online at any time), they will only need the ONE Specials Google Classroom because we (the Specials Teachers) will rotate into whichever rooms we are teaching. There is an Excel doc with the codes for all Homeroom Specials' Google Classroom codes and Remind codes located on this webpage. You can even just click HERE!

Image created by Digikids!

Welcome Videos!!

Check out our Open House Videos!

Mrs. Albrecht.mp4