Career Assessments

The following assessments are available for free to Keuka College students. While they are NOT aptitude tests and cannot tell you what you should do, they are wonderful for generating ideas and helping you to explore. To request one, contact the Office of Career Development.

Strong Interest Inventory

Research for the Strong dates back to the 1920s, and it is still actively researched today. The Strong looks at your interests and compares them against those of people who are excellent in their fields. The idea is that that people with similar interests are attracted to certain occupations. By comparing your results against that body of research that the Strong has collected over time, the instrument helps to identify areas that you might consider based on your interests.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Isabel Briggs-Myers and her mother, Katherine Briggs, used the work of psychologist Carl Jung to create a research framework for the MBTI, expanding and developing his ideas and creating the MBTI itself. One of the most widely-used personality assessments today, the MBTI assesses personality and how it may fall into one of 16 type categories. It then looks at career and what personality types tend to gravitate towards which occupational areas.

Additional, simpler assessments designed to assess skills and values -- aspects equally as important in major/career exploration -- are available as well.