KES PTA Officers
Renee Dewey
Hello, my name is Renee Dewey.
I am the newly elected President of the PTA! Last year I was the VP, Chair of Fundraising for the last half of the year!
I joined the PTA to be present and involved as possible in my kids school. I have two kiddos is the elementary school and love being able to be informed and involved as much as possible!
Loren St. Peter
Hi, I'm Loren and I am the VP of Membership for the 2024-2025 school year and it is my second term in this position. I decided to join the PTA to be present for my kids, be in-the-know at the school, and build lasting relationships with other parents and students. I love having the opportunity to assist will activities to get the community into the schools to see how our kids are learning, growing, and doing such AMAZING things!
Brittany Renfrow
Hi, I'm Brittany, I am the VP, Chair of Fundraising for the 24-25 school year. The opportunity to be a part of the PTA gives me the chance to make a meaningful contribution to my child's education and to our school community. It gives me an opportunity to form better relationships with our teachers and other parents. I want my children to remember the amazing and fun things that happened because of the efforts of our PTA. I also feel that being part of our PTA is showing our children the importance of volunteering and being present. I am excited and looking forward to all of the things to come in this new role.
Traci Krone
Hi, I’m Traci and I am the Corresponding Secretary for the 24-25 school year. This is my second year on the KES PTA Board. I joined PTA to be more involved in the school where my daughter is attending - plus it is a great way to meet other like minded parents.
Erin Boron
Hi, I'm Erin, I am the Recording Secretary for the 24-25 school year. I joined the PTA to be involved in the decision-making processes that provide school support, PBIS incentives, and activities for students, teachers, and parents.
Melissa Gamble
Hi, I’m Melissa and this is my third year on the KES PTA Board. This year, I am the treasurer! I joined the PTA so I could stay informed and volunteer when I was able. I think it's also a great way to meet and connect with more parents and teachers than I would have otherwise. A big goal of mine for this year is to continue to bring awareness to our families on what PTA does, and let you all know that there is room for everyone in this organization. Together we can do more!