Career Development Teams

AET Farm Records

The Agricultural Experience Tracker is the online record system utilized by FFA for the purpose of recording FFA activities and SAE experiences. The AET Farm Records  contest encourages students to better analyze farm records while also reinforcing mathematics standards. 


The Best Informed Greenhand Contest

Ag Welding and Fabrication

Students who participate in the Horse Evaluation CDE gain new insights into equine science by evaluating and ranking horses based on breed characteristics, conformation and performance. Participants defend their decisions through oral reasons in front of a panel of judges. 

Livestock Judging

Students participating in this CDE make accurate and logical observations of livestock, decide on the desirable traits in marketing and breeding livestock, and select and market livestock that will satisfy consumer demands and provide increased economic returns to producers.  

Parlimentary Procedures 

Students participating in the Parliamentary Procedure LDE are evaluated on their ability to conduct an orderly and efficient meeting using parliamentary procedure. Participants are judged on their knowledge of parliamentary law and their ability to present logical, realistic and convincing debate and motions. 


Speaking teams foster and develop speaking abilities of FFA members as well as develop their self-confidence and contribute to their advancement in inter-personal skill attainment and leadership development.  Through Creed, Impromptu, Employment Skills, Prepared and Extemporaneous speaking students will develop the valuable speaking skills necessary to be professional, competent public representatives of the FFA Organization and Agriculture Industry.