
Middle School Math Links

Play the Prodigy Game... All of 7th graders have an account they can sign into. They need to use their school email and password to log in. Mrs. Palmer has assigned a standard for her students to work on.

Solve Me Puzzles

7th/8th Advanced Mr. Morgan's Videos... Mr. Morgan has created videos to go along with every lesson in our curriculum. Just finished: 7th Grade, Unit 6, Lesson 12. Accelerated Math just finished 8th Grade, Unit 4, Lesson 14.

7th Grade Math email Mrs. Palmer for missing Cool Downs at:

Math is Fun


IXL (not just for elementary kids anymore...)


Khan Academy...7th/8th Accelerated students can log in with their school email and password. Units have been assigned based on current work. Students can watch videos and take quizzes over our current curriculum.

Illustrative Math (if you are behind on lessons)

Choose Course, Choose Student or Family

Learn Desmos... choose a topic, watch a video, and move forward...

  1. Type in a topic in the search bar at the top and go!

  2. Or Choose Resources from the left column and go!


Open Middle... Challenging Math problems for all ages.

Thinking Blocks... Virtual Manipulatives

Math At the Core... Interactive activities by domain

EdTech... search the tab at the bottom of the page

High School Math Links

Khan Academy

Learn Desmos... choose a topic, watch a video, and move forward...

  1. Type in a topic in the search bar at the top and go!

  2. Or Choose Resources from the left column and go!

Illustrative Math (if you are behind on lessons)

Choose Course, Choose Student or Family

Open Middle... Challenging Math problems for all ages.



Math Open Reference

Kirk Weiler Common Core Algebra I

Kirk Weiler Common Core Geometry

Kirk Weiler Common Core Algebra II

Personal Finance

EdTech... search the tab at the bottom of the page