Chief Time Writing Center

When: Chief Time on Mondays & Fridays

Where: KHS Library

Who: You & Mrs. Westermeyer Marlin

What to bring: Your assignment and any documents you've prepared

What is a "writing center"?

Good question! The point of a writing center is to assist your writing process.

The goal of this center is to:

  1. Review your assignment

  2. Discuss the goals of the assignment

  3. Review your writing OR prepare with you to write

  4. Revise already-written work

  5. Create a comfortable space for you to discuss writing

Can I visit the writing center to have my paper edited or corrected?

Short answer: No. The writing center is not an editing service.

Long answer: Your writing will be reviewed and corrected where there are issues, but YOU--the author--will be in charge of these changes.

What kind of student visits the writing center?

ALL students. Experienced writers can visit for objective feedback, and writers who need more confidence can visit for advice and feedback too! Any and all writers welcome!

Why am I meeting with Mrs. Westermeyer Marlin and not an ELA teacher?

Mrs. WM taught high school ELA classes for nine years, and she has her masters degree in writing instruction. She is very well educated in writing and writing instruction, and she looks forward to working with you and your work! (She also has plenty of library books she'd love to share with you, too!)