Homework Help
Homework Resources
Homework Resources
Please click on the photo boxes to access the resources listed. Each contains information to assist you with your homework.
Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2019
Best Websites for Teaching & Learning 2019
The 2019 Best Websites for Teaching & Learning foster the qualities of innovation, creativity, active participation, and collaboration. Sites recognized are free web-based sites that are user friendly and encourage a community of learners to explore and discover.
AASL 2018 Best Websites for Teaching & Learning. https://standards.aasl.org/project/bw18/ Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/ OWL at Purdue Writing Lab. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/purdue_owl.html? Pixabay. www.pixabay.com Quizlet (2019). College board top 100 common SAT/ACT vocabulary words. Retrieved from https://quizlet.com/1022309/college-board-top-100-common-satact-vocabulary-words-flash-cards/.