
Preschool Press

Mrs. Gina & Mrs. Cain

Our focus in the month of November will be on communities. We will study different people, places, and transportation in our community. We will also learn about caring for our earth. Our social emotional connection is RESPONSIBILITY. We will be learning about the importance of good citizenship in our communities! The Big Idea for the month is “I can make a difference.” No matter how big or small we can make a positive difference everyday in our school, community, and on the environment.

Look for the Turkey in Disguise Project that came home in the daily folder. It is due back on Thursday, November 16th.

Thank You!!

We are sending thanks to all the families that have sent in donations; the kids are really enjoying decorating the “firetruck” and are looking forward to making a train for the upcoming theme in dramatic play!


Our letters for November will be G, H, and I

Please watch for the letter books to come home to help you with reinforcing letter recognition and sounds at home.

Letter Bags

Letter bags will come home on Thursdays and be brought back to school for show-and-tell on Mondays. We will send the first letter bags home on November 16th. This is a fun and meaningful activity to help your child with letter sound recognition. You will be asked to find no more than 3 items that start with the letter of the week and fit them in the small letter bag. This will help reinforce those letters and sounds at home and school!

Important Dates:

11/09-Picture Retakes

11/13-11/17-Book Fair

11/16-Turkey in Disguise due

11/22-11/26-Thanksgiving Break