Welcome to Kenton Elementary

Kindergarten Registration


Click on the Kenton Logo to get all the information you need for Kindergarten registration. In order to register for Kindergarten for the 24/25 school year, your Child must be 5 Years Old ON on or BEFORE 8/1/2024.

If you have not already enrolled your Kindergarten student, please bring the documents listed below to Kenton Elementary

Kindergarten Registration is January 10th

  We will be open for Registration from 12:00PM-1:30PM and 5:00PM-6:30PM 

Registration Documents:

School Supply Lists

Follow the link below to find Preschool through Fifth grade supply lists

The mission of Kenton Elementary is to provide a supportive, proactive environment in which students can reach their fullest academic and social potential, and grow to become responsible, productive members of society.

You can go to each tab below to open these pages or you can click on the three lines located at the top of the page and find each section there as well.

Find more information from our Counselor, Mrs. Volker.

Come take a look at our Family Resource Center Website and all the ways the FRC can serve YOU!

Come check out our meal pricing for the 22-23 school year and find where you can set up online payment for school lunches!

Check out our after school activities that we offer!

Come learn more about our before and after school care option!

Here is a link to our Schools home page where you can find things like Infinite Campus login and access to student email.

Come learn more about our PTA!

We can't wait to see you!