Episode 1.3

Computer Science Spotlight with Dr. Aman Yadav

Published January 31, 2022

 (1 SCECH Credit)

Episode 1.3 - Computer Science Spotlight with Dr. Aman Yadav

Join Ron, Keith, Sarah and the Kent Computer Science Network as we interview Dr. Aman Yadav, the director of the Masters of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program from Michigan State University.

1/27/22 CS Spotlight Agenda

Resources Shared by Dr. Aman Yadav

Dr. Aman Yadav’s Website

Fostering Creativity Through Computing by Aman Yadav and Steve Cooper

Computational Thinking for Educators (3-5th Grade) - ct4edu.org

Integrated Computational Thinking Project (Middle School) - ctintegration.org

Professional Development for CS Principles Teaching (High School) - pd4cs.org

Lesson examples from Educator Resources on ct4edu.org:

MiSTEM Network

Join us for the next Computer Science Spotlight Panel on April 20 with Victoria Fleenor, Chair of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics at Cornerstone University. Register Here.

Our theme music is Neon Nights from Scott Holmes Music is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


Click here to visit our YouTube page for a transcript to this episode.