
Text to Speech with Read&Write

17 minute overview of Text to Speech using the free features of Google Chrome extension Read&Write.

Free Tool Tip Sheet

PDF Reader Tip Sheet

Introduction to Bookshare

A 10 minute overview of Bookshare, a large digital library of books, free to students with disabilities : Who is eligible? How do I get started as a teacher? How do I get started as a student?

Introduction to Tar Heel Reader

19 minute tutorial of Tar Heel Reader - an online collection of free, easy to read, accessible books on a wide range of topics - find, write & edit books for your students.

Tar Heel Reader Handout

14 minute overview of this material-creation tool.

18 minute overview of built-in iOS accessibility features

14 minute overview of speech-to-text or voice dictation as a writing support.

12 minute overview of options for students to show what they know.

9 minute overview of maximizing your audio, video and wireless connections

5 minute overview of the Kami Chrome Extension for document annotation

2 minute video overview of sharing your annotated document with Kami