Open positions


We are currently seeking a highly qualified post-doctoral researcher specializing in DFT computation for energy applications, particularly in electrochemical methods. The successful candidate should have a strong background in DFT simulation, theoretical chemistry, and/or data science. Additionally, candidates with prior experience collaborating with experimental research groups will be given significant consideration.

We are currently actively recruiting undergraduate interns. This opportunity is open to all undergraduate students, not limited to those from KENTECH; we warmly welcome self-motivated and enthusiastic undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds who share an interest in both the fundamentals and practical applications of computational energy chemistry. 

Ideal candidates should have a genuine interest in molecular simulations and/or data analysis (machine learning), with a strong inclination towards coding. We encourage you to apply if you are a motivated undergraduate student eager to delve into the exciting world of energy materials and gain hands-on experience in cutting-edge research

Open positions:

Email Professor Jeongmin Kim (jeongmin at kentech dot ac dot kr) with your short self-introduction.