Kindergarten Report Card

Explanation of the Kindergarten Report Card

The kindergarten report card has two parts. The first part is an evaluation of your child’s current understandings of the CCSS (Connecticut Common Core State Standards). Explanations of these standards have been in our newsletters (the “I Can” statements). The grading scale for the CCSS is as follows:

For standards based skills in Literacy Development, Mathematics, and Physical Development:

4 – Understanding that goes beyond what is expected according to state standards

3 – Understanding that meets state standards

2 – Progress being made toward understanding state standards

1 – Concern about meeting state standards by the end of kindergarten

At the mid- point in the year, we expect most children to be making progress towards understanding the skills (2). Our goal is for students to meet the state standards by the end of kindergarten (3) in order to be ready for first grade.

Some areas, such as uppercase letter recognition cannot receive a score higher than 3 (meeting state standards) while other areas, such as sight word recognition can score a 4 (exceeding state standards) if your child reads many more sight words than are taught in kindergarten.

For effort in the areas of Social Development, Handwriting, and Small Motor Skills:

4 – Consistent effort

3 – Effort most of the time

2 – Effort some of the time

1 – Improvement needed

*Your child’s grades are based on our observations of his or her performance, understandings of taught skills, behavior, social awareness, interaction with teachers and peers, attitude toward learning, and presentation of self in the school environment. We recognize and value each child as an individual rich in skills and gifts. This report card is just a snapshot of all we see in your amazing child as we spend our days together.